Montag, 31. August 2020

AWorldToWinNewsService] There can be no overstating the importance of this revolutionary approach to the immediate critical situation in the US

Dear Comrades and Friends,
We are consciously aiming to keep your attention locked onto the monumental implications of the crossroads and the looming showdown we are facing with the political tumult now rapidly intensifying in the US. By now you certainly have received and read the historical statement issued by Bob Avakian on August 1, 2020 – titled On the Immediate Critical Situation, the Urgent Need to Drive Out the Fascist Trump Pence Regime, Voting in This Election, and the Fundamental Need for Revolution.
There can be no overstating of the crucial importance of BA’s political orientation and analysis of what is exceptionally at stake for humanity worldwide at this critical conjuncture. We have been strongly encouraging you to be part of a joint effort of seriously studying and actively facilitating the widespread distribution and discussion of BA’s statement. We are keenly enthusiastic to hear the comments, observations and questions about the extremely important matters BA brings into sharp focus with their intertwining relationships to one another and the urgent tasks and political engagement they call forth at this time. In his own words BA forcefully emphasizes that “the situation today holds truly unprecedented and momentous challenges, with profound implications not only for the people in this country but for all of humanity.”
And he continues to underline that “Right now, for everyone who is concerned with ending injustice and oppression, and with the question of whether humanity will have a future worth living—or will have a future at all—removing the Trump/Pence fascist regime from power is an immediate, urgent question and truly historic imperative.
And, for those who understand the need for revolution, for the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solution to the continuing horrors this system causes for the masses of humanity (whether this system is ruled through an open fascist dictatorship, or the disguised “democratic” dictatorship, of the ruling capitalist class), the immediate struggle to oust the Trump/Pence regime from power must be approached not as a “diversion” from (or “substitute for”) building the movement for the revolution that is needed, but precisely as part—a crucial part and urgent requirement—of the overall work of building for this revolution.”
From carrying out “the historical imperative” and correctly confronting and dealing with the challenges we face, BA incisively discusses the historically particular nature of the concrete conditions around the upcoming US presidential election and how to correctly evaluate and handle the question of “voting in this election” within the overall framework of the need to drive out the fascist Trump/Pence regime and the fundamental need for revolution.
BA sternly warns that “Simply relying on voting to oust this regime will almost certainly lead to very bad, even disastrous results”…. “With the full awareness of what is represented by this fascist regime, and what it means that Trump is not only seeking to suppress the votes of people who will vote against him but is also preparing to utilize forceful, violent repression to remain in office if he is not declared the winner in the election, it is of critical and urgent importance to build now truly massive and sustained mobilization around the unifying demand that this regime must be OUT NOW!—with an orientation of being prepared to continue this even past the election, if the situation requires it.
BA invites everybody to face the reality as it is : “The hour is getting late—but it is still not too late to make this mass mobilization a reality. Relying on, and confining actions within, the “norms” and “regular channels” of this system, including the upcoming election, cannot solve this profound and urgent problem, especially when dealing with a fascist regime and its fanatical followers that are determined to trample on and tear up those “norms.”  Yet he also sharply points out the possibility of avoiding to become one with and capitulating to the necessity but seizing the hour to wrench some freedom out of the current juncture; BA points out, “At this critical hour, every appropriate means of non-violent action must be utilized to remove this regime from power. And if, in spite of mass protest demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence regime, this regime remains in power when it is time for voting, then—without placing fundamental reliance on this—using all appropriate means to work for the removal of this regime must include voting against Trump (assuming the election is actually held). To be clear, this means not a “protest vote” for some candidate who has no chance of winning, but actually voting for the Democratic Party candidate, Biden, in order to effectively vote against Trump.”
There is tremendous depth and scope to what undergirds BA’s statement and it comprehends serious treatment of the necessary requirements and the imperatives to be actually preparing for the actual fundamental solution to the essential and defining contradictions while working on those contradictions today in such a way that the emergence of a bridge and a pathway to the future, of a favorable alignment of forces, revolutionary people and of a revolutionary situation could be hastened so that an all out struggle for power could be undertaken. A serious and profound commitment to and treatment of these life and death questions are imbricated into the whole line and orientation of BA’s text:
To approach this election from the standpoint of which candidate is “better” means failing to understand the truly profound stakes and potential consequences of what is involved. The fact is that there can be one—and only one—“good” that can come out of this election: delivering a decisive defeat to Trump and the whole fascist regime. Doing this would create far better conditions for continuing to wage the struggle against everything represented by the Trump/Pence regime and all the oppression and injustices of this system, and would be a great gift to the people of the world.” And BA keeps reminding us that “The many-sided struggle to oust the fascist Trump/Pence regime must be taken up not as a substitute for but as a part—a crucial part—of moving to get beyond all that is represented by and embodied in the ‘normalcy’ of this system.
BA’s statement has already become a source of discussion and debate in many quarters of the political spectrum. Various reactionary forces have already detected the danger of the strategic orientation and the potential emancipatory political engagement BA presents to the larger political arena. They have started to vilify and distort the content of BA’s statement in an effort to hinder and prevent its reception and discussion among political forces with different views and perspectives.. Amidst this renewed intensification of the political situation there is tremendously increased potential and need to take out BA’s statement far and wide and involve many to engage the singularly timely and incisive analysis and overall orientation provided by BA.
The Episode 21 of the RNL Show “Bob Avakian’s Historic Statement, Fascist Election Fuckery, Sept 5 Protests: Trump/Pence Out Now!” ( provides a unique venue to look into the historical significance of BA’s statement and it is a tremendously useful tool to liven up collective discussions.
We recommend strongly the 6 minute short WBAI radio interview of “Andy Zee discusses Bob Avakian’s New Statement on Trump, Fascism, the Elections and Revolution” as a way of initiating the discussion and exploring the rich and complex content of BA’s statement.
As a way of understanding the stakes involved around the political repolarization already underway and serious consequences of the vicious distortions of BA’s statement and to seriously study and appreciate the content and line of this statement and at this critical juncture, the following article will immensely help introduce the stakes involved: “A Measly and Collaborationist Defense of Trump-Fascism: On Gary Leupp’s Unprincipled Attack In Counterpunch” August 17, 2020 |


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