Montag, 29. März 2021

[AWorldToWinNewsService] You lost! Stop trying to steal the election! Stop your war moves! Now go!! Message to the fascist Trump-Pence regime

 Nov 19, 2020

Dear Comrades, Sisters and Brothers,

All revolutionary and progressive forces around the world must heed the call: If you, if we, are not OK with the white supremacy, xenophobia, patriarchy of this fascism and with every move they make to stay in power and advance their hateful movement and vicious program, join us. Stay vigilant and mobilized and take the streets! ¡Adelante! TRUMP/PENCE OUTNOW!”

We are forwarding the following material and pointing to the outstanding urgency that the struggle must continue to press on to oppose this fascist regime’s every possible move to hold to the office trying to reverse its loss of the election. It must be ousted from the positions it currently occupies in the government. The struggle and the force of the people in the streets remains a decisive factor in fully and effectively ousting this fascist regime.

Read the following material and made it widely available to all possible concerned forces around you. The situation remains critical and dangerous, we cannot afford to underestimate the continuing threat of the fascist force’s drive to seize back the initiative and find a way to reassert their hold onto power.


1-Reposted from

A Statement from the Editorial Board of on November 14, 2020 |


2-A Deadly Pandemic, a Murderous System, a Fascist Regime That Must Be Removed from Power, Letter from a reader – November 16, 2020 |


3- Three questions: What do people who yearn for a better world need to do in the current situation? Watch the short video clip by Bob Avakian under this question at November 16, 2020 |


Follow, read and watch
For further understanding of all this, see these important works by Bob Avakian, available at the three-part series Voting Will Not Be Enough—We Need To Take To The Streets, And Stay In The Streets Demanding Trump/Pence Out Now! (in particular Part 3, Trump’s Fascism—More Blatant and Dangerous Every Day: How a Determined Fight and Massive Mobilization Could Defeat This) and Statement by Bob Avakian, August 1, 2020, On the Immediate Critical Situation, The Urgent Need to Drive Out the Fascist Trump/Pence Regime, Voting in This Election, And the Fundamental Need for Revolution.



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