Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2017

Fight the G20 Summit of Exploiters

Fight the G20 Summit of Exploiters,
Mass Murderers and War-mongers!
Help Drive Out the Fascist
Trump/Pence Regime!
Humanity Needs Revolution and
the New Communism!
This G 20 summit gathers the world's most powerful imperialist countries, flanked by reactionaries like Turkey's Erdogan and India's Modi. It will be highlighted by the arrival of Donald Trump, the leader of a newly installed fascist regime in the US. These are clearly not ordinary times. There is an urgent responsibility to greatly intensify the struggle and to seize upon the cracks appearing in the edifice of this life-devouring capitalist world order and put an end to it.

The summit organizers claim that the G20 has set itself the task to “shape globalization for the benefit of everyone”. This is a sick joke to most people here and around the world, because capitalism can flourish only by grinding down the majority for the benefit of the few. This bitter reality is true even in the most “advanced” democratic countries but all the more so when extended to the whole world. The basic and bone-crushing truth remains: the merciless domination and exploitation of the overwhelming majority of peoples and nations on this planet by a handful of rich countries will continue as long as this capitalist-imperialist system exists. It is a scathing indictment of the criminal and inhuman nature of this system that in a world where humanity's basic needs could already be met, suffering, misery and ignorance stalk vast swaths of the human landscape.

Even if these rulers wished otherwise, the underlying workings of the capitalist-imperialist mode of production force them to exploit people and the planet on an ever more intensifying scale. They are driven by ever sharpening competition and rivalry between each other to use the most brutal forms of oppression and repression to uphold this mode of production and their rule.

The G20 will lead to an intensifying clampdown in Europe against “undesirables”. They will continue to tighten their borders and brutally repel desperate migrants, even as they prepare to step up the bloody military interventions in the Middle East and elsewhere that have driven millions from their homes.

The G20 summit essentially represents the outmoded strata of the capitalist-imperialist West, which has long ago outlived its place in history. The Western imperialists both fuel and conflict with the other historically outmoded social strata represented by Islamic fundamentalism, and this dynamic is pushing reactionary trends in large parts of the world. The imperialists are using this to prettify themselves as upholders of enlightenment, making it more difficult for people to distinguish their true friends and their real enemies. All this sharply underlines the urgent need for humanity to break out of and beyond this system.

The emergence of the fascist Trump/Pence regime at the head of the world's most powerful imperialist country has dramatic implications for people everywhere. The same deep contradictions that led to the installation of the Trump regime in the US are also at work in Europe, fueling racism, xenophobia, misogyny and a more repressive political environment everywhere. This rightward lurch by the rulers is easing the way for fascist movements and the possibility of fascist regimes in European countries as well.

It is urgent to actively support the ongoing struggle to drive out the Trump/Pence fascist regime in the US! There is little time to lose before this regime fully consolidates its power. This battle goes hand-in-hand with combating the rightward shift in Europe as part of an overall struggle to get free of capitalism and imperialism once and for all.

This year's G20 Summit is marked by intensifying inter-imperialist rivalry. Trump has made abundantly clear that he is willing to do whatever is necessary to rebuild US imperialist domination of the world. But the other imperialists cannot be allowed to use the ugly face of the Trump regime to hide their own horrendous features! Angela Merkel is trying to present herself as the “leader of the democratic world”. Her partnership with the recently elected Emmanuel Macron is being heralded as an “inclusive, humane and democratic” counter-weight to the openly backward and vicious Donald Trump. But when Europe's political representatives talk about the need to take “more responsibility” in the world, what they mean is that Germany, France and the rest of Europe should pursue their imperialist ambitions more ruthlessly, including by means of war. While there are real differences among these imperialists over how to shore-up their system, these are differences among reactionaries. At a time when Trump calls to build a wall on the US border with Mexico, “Fortress Europe” already is responsible for thousands of migrants dying every year. And to keep the poor and persecuted out, imperialist Europe is now supporting the construction of such brutal migrant camps in Northern Africa that even German diplomats are comparing them to “concentration camps”.
Confronted with the appearance of a seemingly unbeatable enemy, there is a strong tendency to accept ''the politics of the possible'' and to become resigned to seeking only to soften the most egregious blows of the system, leaving fundamental change for future generations. Yet some calls to protest the G20 point out that the system of capitalism cannot correctly address the problems humanity faces. There is even an understanding that it should be possible to have a world where women are not dominated, where the Earth's resources are not plundered, where people from all over the world cooperate in the common interests of humanity. Yes, all this is possible – but what all too few understand is that this can only come about through an actual revolution, not just changing the faces in power and “making the best” of a rotten framework. The need for revolution is ever sharper and more pressing, even if many people think that it was tried and didn't work, while others see it is as an impossible dream.
The US revolutionary leader Bob Avakian emphasized,''everywhere people are rising up in rebellion but are hemmed in, let down and left to the mercies of murderous oppressors, or misled onto paths which only reinforce, often with barbaric brutality, the enslaving chains of tradition; everywhere people need a way out of their desperate conditions, but do not see the source of their suffering and the path out of the darkness.''
However, there is a vision of and a scientific approach to getting beyond a world of exploitation and oppression, of misery, hunger, bigotry, patriarchy and the squandering of humanity. This is the new communism, the re-envisioning of revolution and communism developed by Bob Avakian. It is a tremendously liberating and exciting breakthrough for humanity. It is the scientific way to understand the monumental problems that seven billion people on this planet face. It provides the comprehensive strategic orientation for building a movement for a real revolution, and for making a revolution that can actually win against this system's massive machine of death and destruction. It provides an outline of how we can create a society that meets people's basic needs while opening up whole new vistas for cultural and intellectual ferment and creativity… How we can actually uproot racism and patriarchy, including in people's thinking and values... How we can create an economy that is sustainable with respect to the rest of nature, and how we can build a society that takes as its starting point not ''my country'' but the interests of humanity.
We cannot be content with the prospect of protesting against these same rulers in the same ways year on year. Humanity and this planet cannot afford this! We must confront what humanity truly needs in order to do away with this system. People who know that the current world is intolerable have a serious responsibility not only to continue and step up their current resistance but also to seek out and examine the most advanced scientific understanding of how the world can and must be transformed through revolution. We need a thoroughgoing revolution – and the new synthesis of communism makes it possible!

Revolutionary Communist Manifesto Group (Europe)
June 28, 2017

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