Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014
Neues von Wahnfried Records
- Atropia „Demo“
(Screamocrust, Görlitz“ 3E
- Auweia „There`s No Freedom
There`s Nur Scheisse“ (cooler Polit D-Punk) 3E
- Blood Patrol Demo (HC/Punk,
ger.) 2E
- Downfall Of Gaia / Kazan „Split“
( melCrust/ atmospheric HC ) 3E
- Dead Kaspar Hausers „Nuke The
Police“ (D-Beat Crustcore, Berlin) 3E
- EBOLA Disco great 90ties
crustcore from Berlin 2,5E
- Eyeless „Gloomy Day“
(HC/Punk / Crust) 3E
- Brink Of Despair S/T (rocking HC/Crust, LE) 3E
tapeversion of new album,
intensive oldschoolcrust with members of SOL, Agnes Kraus, Real
Chaos, Fazed, ACZ, Confessed Crime, prof. MC 3E
- Ira Et Becessus „Old Day
Nostalgia“ (Grind Basque) 3E
- RACAK Compl. Noise Berlin
Crustcore with members of M.V.D., SM-70 and Pink Flamingos 2,5E
- Los Rezios „Live In Tützpatz“
(Arschcholio Fest, 5.9.2013) komplettes Konzert in guter Qualität,
profitape, 3E (Viele da, Tausch!!!)
- The Schöne Hubätz „Darkside
On The Doom“ (schneller HC/Punk aus Köln) 3E
- La Fraction „Aussi Long Sera
Chemin“ (bester Franzosenpunk) 3E
- Kunta Kinte „S/T“
(Screamocrust, Leipzig) 3E
- Los Rezios Clarificationold
Crustveterans since 1991 from Lima, Peru with full 46 min album in
tradition of Doom, Disfear ... , 2,5E
- La Fraction „Aussi Long Sera
Le Chemin“ 3E
- M.V.D. „Live 88 – 91“
coole Krachqualität und viele Unveröffentlichte Songs“3E
- Murder / Syntax „Split“
(Noisepunk, Russland) 3E
- Slow Erase „S/T“ (Grind)
- Toleranzgrenze „Demo“
(schneller D-Punk) 3E
- Whack & Wasted „Demo“
(dirty Punkrock) 3E
- Urinprobe „S/T“ (D-Punk
rotz) 3E
- Wojtila „Discography
2009-2010“ (Polish Grindcore) 3E
- V/A „Disappear/ Fastmusic From
Germoney“ (D.- D-beat and the rest unreleases stuff from BCM,
Bizarre X, Inzucht, SKR8, Agnes Kraus, Racak, Chainbreaker, Das
Krill, Cause Of Divorce, Bolz`n, Axt …) + Lyrics 3E
- V/A “Präkeres Aus Bärstadt“
(Berlin Fastmusic comp. M.V.D, Peacebastard, Wood, Avverkad, Derbe
Lebowski, DKH, Kami Ada, G.A.U., Menkenke, Guideline, After Life
Kids, Thinner …) 3E
- Anger Burning/ Livet Som Insats
„Split“ (Grind, France & Swe D-Beat) 3E
- Anti Social Rejects / Jenkem
Warrios „Split“ (Norwegen Anarchopunk)3E
- AXT / Bluthuf split
(Crustcore Berlin, NB ) 3E
- Blinded S/T (D_Beat from
PRaha) 4E
- Boxed In S/T (Noew. HC) 3E
- Black Star Dub Collective S/T
(Anarcho DUB/Reagee from UK) 3,5
- Bluthuf/Axt Split (great
fast crustcore and intensive HC/Crust from Berlin with memebers of
Autoritär and Ebola) 3E
- Breakout „Never Give Up“
(80ties HC/Punk) 3,5E
- BunkaangstS/T (D-Punk, ganz
dufte) 3E
- Burt S/T Do inch (Crust mit
Leuten von Cwill, Schweiz) 7E
- Chevin/ Huffin Paint Split
(Fastcore, D.) 3E
- Conquesto/ Wounded Knee Split
(CZ, Fastcore, Crust) 3,5E
- Godorrhoea Zeitgeist (raw
Anarchopunk, Uk from 90ties) 3E
- Cocktailbar Stammheim/ Mülheim
Asozial „Split“4E
- Discover „Food For The
Warmachine“ (Swe D-Beat) 3E
- Idiot Savant/ Deanimation“Split“
(Sreamocrust,Görlitz/ meld. Crust HC/Punk, Glauchau) pict.4E
- Indoctrinate "And All Hail
To Progress and Efficiency" (powerfull CRustcore) 3,5
- Insonnia „S/T“ (Anarchopunk
Bremen) 3E
- Kami Ada „Resistencia
Libertad“ (Anarchopunk/ Crust, Berlin) 3E
- Karmakopter S/T ( cooler
D-Punk) 3E
- Khatarina „Little Girls Never
Say Me“ (female HC/Punk, Swe) 3E
- Kick IT S/T"(cooler Fast
Punkrock aus Limburg) 3E
- Krüger/ Los Rezios „Split“
(Crustcore , CZ/ Metalcrust, Peru) 3,5E
- Narsaak Prasina (fast HC
ger.) 3E
- Niggers Born In a Barn (cool
Punkrock with engl lyris, Russia) 3E
- Motras „S/T“ (Rock?n roll
Punk) 2E
- Placebotox „S/T“ (Trash/ NDW
Punk aus Holland) 3E
- Partiya /Trotzreaktion Split
(HC/Punk Dresden- Minsk) 3E
- Parole Spasz Homunkulus
(Rotzpunk, Berlin)
- Pnet 95 „S/T“ (Kult Polit
HC/Punk aus den 90ern aus Berlin) 3E
- Primates Control Salvaje
(Anarchop. Fem., Spain) 3E
- Pray For Death S/T (CZ,
Crust) 3e
- Progromo „S/T“
(Anarchogeballer Kolumbien) 4E
- Raging Fugitives S/T (Norw.
HC) 2E
- Social Chaos /Attitude Zero
Split (Crust noth Germany, fast Crustcore, Brasil) 3E
- Sarcasmo / Evolucion Perdida
Split (Anarchocrust, Mexico) 3,5E
- Scheuerhaders 6 mal
Punkgelumpe (raw cool D-Punk, Dresden) 2,5 E
- Sin Logica Riff in Peace
(Anarchomotörheadpunk, Switzerl.) 3E
- Sperrzone „S/T“ (Fast Crust,
HH) instinct of survival members 3E
- The Renegades Of Punk S/T
(Trashpunk, Brazil) 3E
- The Uncurbed / My Cold Embrace
Split (Swe Crust, Metal, D.) 3E
- Violent Response S/T (US
HC/Punk) 4E
- Worhäts „Glaube“ (raw
HC/Punk, Berlin) 3E
- V/ANorthcore kicks ass!
(HC/Punk north Czech,Kobra11/action/x-wing/behind the lines/Not) 2E
Große Platten:
- 1000 Tonnen Kruppstahl „S/T“
(2 Mann Lärm, cool, ger) 9E
- Ahna/ Gelascean „Split“
(US- Darkcrust) 9E
- Agnosy „Traits Of The Past“
(UK, Crust) 9E
- Ass
To Mouth „Degenerate „S/T“ (Grind, France) 9E
- Autonomia Necrologia 2002
2006 (great Anarchopunk, Lima, Peru) 9E
- Active Minds It`s Perfectly
Obvious That This System Doesn`t work 8E
- Anger Burning/ Earth Crust
Displacement "SPLIT" (HC/PunkD-Beat Swe, D-Beat Noise
Berlin) 9E
- Angry Mob S/T ( total
angepisster D_beat, swe) 9E
- Adacta / Jonestown ḋ
Split Ṡ Lp (great Crustpunk, Prag/Bratislava) 8E
- Anger Burning When(D- Beat
swe) 9E
- Bastinados / Bosonogo
Djetinjtsvo „Split“ (Anrchopunk), Croatia) 8E
- Bicahunas „Entspannte
Hysterie“ (polit HC/Punk, dt. Texte) 9E
- Black Code“Hanged, Drawn and
Quartered“ (Metalcrust, France) 8E
- Blood Patrol „S/T“ (raw
HC/Punk, Ger.) 9E
- Blood In Our Wells "echoes
of desolation" (CZ darkcrust with Stoner Elements) 8E
- Bolesno Grinje „Chronicles
From The Tomb“ (Grindcore) 8E
- Bolesno Grinje „S/T“
- Born For Slaughter/ Silence
Means Death Split (dark CRust, Slov., Belg.) 8E
- Bangsat / C.O.D. Split 8E
- Brächraits „Demo 90 & 92“
(schneller Knüppelpunk aus Eisenhüttenstadt, Kult) 9E
- Brivido /Public Disgrace „Split“
(Raw HC/Punk) 8E
- CAD Tazky Kov (Grind, Slow.)
- Carburetor Dung S/T (
intensive HC/Punk, Malayisia) 7 E
- Catheter / FUBAR „Split“
(Grindcore Can./ Holland) 7E
- Cerebral Turbulence
Impenetrable (CZ, Grind) 6E
- Chickens Call S/T (French
great Punkrock) 8E
- Civil Victim S/T (Crusty
HC/Punk, Ger.) 8E
- Chaosfront „S/T“
(oldschoolgeballer ala Nepalm Death) 9E
- Chickens Call S/T (new Lp,
great France, Punkrock) 9E
- Crippled Fox „More Fun!! More
Trash!!! (Fastcore, Slov.) 9E
- Cross Sitches Eyes
„Decomposition“ (Crass Anarchopunk, UK, Great) 10E
- Crutches „LURAD“ (Raw
D-Beat, Swe) 9E
- Dark Hanson "Schlüssel"
(german lyrics slow HC) 8E
- DAZD S/T LP (HEavy rock Punk
with Crust elements and dark fem voc, Macedonia) 9E
- Demokrathia / Mondo Gecko (fast
HC/Punk, Algerien, Israel) 9E
- Disgusting Lies / Campus
Stermini „spliT“ (Crust pol./italy) 7E
- Diskoiraa „S/T“ (Spain
D_Beat) 9E
- Diskonto „S/T“ (Swe D-Beat)
- Disney /Sheeva Yoga Split
(CZ, Crustcore) great artwork 9E
- Dispose /Infekzoa Split (raw
and Brutal D_Beat) 10E
- Dispose/ Kranium „Split“
(Swe d-beat) 10E
- Distinct Cult S/T"
(Trash, Deatmetal Leipzig) 10E
- Dornata single fats and good +
so waht (heavy CRustpunk, slovenien) 10E
- C.O.D. / Intestinal Disease
Split (Grind Aachen, Belgien) 8E
- Crowskin/Black Freighter „S/T“
(Slow Darkcrust Ger.) 9E
- Destierro Örlog (Basken
Grind/Crust) 9E
- Distress Life, Death, Rebirth
(raw metallic Crust, St. Petersburg, Russia) Klappcover 10E
- Down On Kness I`m week S/T
(Stoner Crust,Chemnitz) 9E
- Disantrope Hinter feindlichen
Linien (darkpunk D.) 8E
- Dogsholylife S/T (Crustpunk
from Los Angeles) 8E
- Dört Birds S/T (Berlin
rockin Crust) 300 copies limt. Self released, 10E
- Elenor Lance S/T (Great
Punkrock Wipers style,Dresden) 9E
- End Of Ernie „The End Is Near“
(Belg. Fast Punkrock) 9E
- Euthanasie Prison Pain, Demo &
Live 88/89 (Freiburger mel. Anarchopunk mit Frauengesang) 9E
- Earth Crust DIsplacement/Gau "
Split" (Berlint raw D_beat Noise) 10E
- Exmisija arche (Pol dark HC)
- Eye For An Eys new (Pol
oldschool HC/Punk) 8E
- Guts And Guns „The Pig Rug
Collection“ (Dark/ Stonercrust, Ger) 8E
- Fäulnis „Gehirn zwischen Wahn
und Sinn“ (Black Metal Punk, Ger) Do Lp 16E
- Frihet / Honor SS "Split"
(D-Beat, Swe) 9E
- FUBAR "Justification Of
Criminal Behaviour" (Fastcore, Grind, Holland) 8E
- Gelo/ Baka Yaro Split
LP(Italy Crust/HC) 8E
- Geraniüm „S/T“ (mel Crust,
France) 9E
- Gasgoigne 'S/T' (Cool Rockin HC
from Zwolle,Holland) 5E
- Gelo / Homo Homini Lupus „Split“
(Ityl Crust / Grind) 9E
- Gloomster S/T (Polit HC/Punk
dt Texte Eisenach) 9E
- Gloomster Dreck unter den
Nägeln 9E
- Gomora S/T (Crustbeat Prag)
- Grand Collapse „S/T“ ( UK,
HC/Punk) 9E
- Gun Mob / Pyramido Split
(Fast dirty Crust Mannheim, dark Crust) 8E
- Hasta La Vista S/T (pol.
Anarchopunk, fem. Voc.) 9E
- Heavy Nukes „S/T“ (Swe
D-Beat Noise) 9E
- Hibakusha S/T 8fast
Crustcore, CZ) 8E
- Hellbound / Despite „Split“
(US, Crustpunk) 8E
- Hermanxs De Lamente Furiosa
S/T (Spian great Anarchopunk) 9E
- Hiroshima Nightmare/ Azid
Split (CZ Crustpunk, HC/Punk) 8E
- Huntswille Stairsweppers S/T
(local Dresden modern rockin HC/Crust) 10E
- Infame 1 (rotziger dreckiger
Punkrock aus BCN) 9E
- Infame 2 (zweite LP ) 9E
- Inner Conflict Klebstoff,
Schere und Papier (Köln Punkrock mit tiefgreifenden Texten) 10inch
- Instino S/T2 (Spain raw Punk)
- Innome Christi Quo Vadis
(Anarcho HC experimentell, ex Dekadent) 9E
- INU Hacia El Abismo 8E
- Irritation Nattsvart Framtid
(Swe D-Beat) 10E
- ISKRA „Bureval Demo 2009“
(Crustmetal Canada) 9E
- Judas Priest „British Steel“
(Orig von 1980 mit Breaking The Law) 10E
- Kairo S/T (exp. Wavepunk,
Dresden) 10E
- Killbite Brilliant Hell
(Crustpunk, Bremen) 10inch 8E
- Kurwa Aparata Armed Chemicals
of Untame Thoughts (Wien Crust) 8E
- Kuwanlelenta /Frevel Geschwafel
"Split" (Crust Bayern 90er 10inch 3E
- La Miseria De Tu Rostu Jauria
(Crust, Chile) 9E
- Lado Rising „Fiame In Piena“
(Fast HC italy) 8E
- Leecjfeast „S/T“ (Sloe
darkcrust, slov) 8E
- Livet Some Insats „S/T“
Grind, Framnce) 9E
- Lust For Death „Dust“
(French Crust) 9E
- Maniacs Dust Of A Decade
(great Discography, 80ies HC/Punk) Do LP 15 E
- Mesrine / Sposa In Altomare
Split (fastcore, Spain/It.) 10inch 8E
- Mess Mess Mess S/T (80er
Pogopunk, it.) 8E
- M:PATI "Misantropen"
(swe Crust) 10inch 4E
- Mururoa / Baixo Calao Split
(Grindcore CZ/Brazil) 8E
- Now White Rag Silence is
Voilence (fast punkrock Pogo Italia) 8E
- Now White Rag „Daghdehinter“
- Nula Osta „S/T“ (Bass Crust,
Kroatien) 9E
- Ole & The Orks "S/
(great HC/Punk/Metal from Dresden) 8E
- Paranoya Atmen (HC/Punk,
Ruhrpott) 8E
- Parole Spasz „Rekapitulation
1945-2001“ (great german HC/Punk, Berlin) 9E
- Partiya /Victims Of Classwar
Split (Crustcore aus Minsk, Metalcrust Leipzig) 9E
- Piekto Kobiet S/T2 (Pol/Crust)
- Post War Perdition S/T
(Crusty Death Metal, Berlin) 8E
- Plaine Crasse S/T (crazy
HC/Punk, France) 9E
- Pray For Death/ V Rukou Osudu
„Split“ (CZ/ darkcrust) 8E
- Produkt Uzalezniien (Pol,
Anarchopunk) 9E
- Raptus „Generation Drogen“
- Raptus „Wenn Supermann ein
Arschloch wäre“ 9E
- Raw Hate „Fuck Off And DIe!“
(Swe HC/Punk/ Crust) 9E
- Ravelin 7 „S/T2 (Slow HC, CZ)
- Reisegruppe Morgenthau „Second
LP“ 9E
- Ruin „Ghost Of The Past“
(UK, Crust) 9E
- Roxor / Risposta Split (CZ/
Slow. Crust) 8E
- Santa Banana „S/T“ (Italy
fast HC) 8E
- Semenzara Coraggio „S/T“
(Fast HC Italy) 8E
- Sheeva Yoga Svet ten cert vem
(Fastcore, CZ) 9E
- Simbiose Economical Terrorism
(portugal, Grind) 8E
- Solid DEcline / Ruidosa
Immundicia „S/T“ (Fastcore, Austria, Berlin) 9E
- Sokea Piste „Split“ (Crazy
raw Finnpunk) 8E
- Stregesti „S/T“ (pol.
Anarchopun with two vocals great) 8E
- Tästä Saat „death By Snoo
Snoo“ (Finnpunk) 9E
- Terrorgruppe „Dem Deutschen
Volke“ Singles von 93 – 93, 9E
- Trigger /Run Time Error Split
(Powerviolence,Fastcore Ger.) 8,5E
- The Breed zed (CZ, HC) 8E
- TODSCHICKER, 'S/T' ( eine der
besten dt. sprachigen Crustbands ) im Klappcover 8 E
- Token Tandrum "S/T"
(Swe Crust) 10inch 5E
- Toxic Hope God Kills Mind
(Italy Crust) 8E
- Tuna Duble Fae (great BRasil
ANarchopunk, ex Execradores) 9E
- Ulrikes Dream „van 9 tot 5“
(Belgium Crusty Anarchopunk with fem voc and some melodic parts,
great stuff) 9E
- Unbekannt Die Zukunft der
Erde (guter d-punk aus Görlitz) 8E
- Uppercrust „Virus“ (HC/Punk,
Anarchopunk, germ.) 9E
- Verge On Reason /Fallen World
Split (Grind Jena /Phillipinen) 8,5E
- Vicious Irene „Distortet State
Of Mind“ (Swe, fem. Anarchopunk) 9E
- Vladimir Harkonen Silence …
(HC/Punk, Flensburg, Ex- Bonehouse) 8E
- Vladimir Harkonnen Into
Dreadnought Fever (Metal HC/Punk, Flensburg) 9E
- ZERUM "S/T" (Darkslow
crust, Berlin) 9E
- Zuschanden /Los Dolares „Split“
(Crust Freiburg/ Venezuela) 8e
- Zeus! „Split“ (Mann Gitarre,
Schlagzeug Krach Italy) 8E
- Zipplock „S/T“ LP (UK
HC/Punk) 9E
- V/APoslouchate Jizni Cechy 3
(Südböhmen comp. Geballer 11 Bands mit Hiroshima Nightmare, Stand
Up speak Up!, Unfarkt...) 8E
- V/APrague & Disorderly
(Angry Brigade, Scheiss Böhmen, Sanitär, Gomora) 8E
- V/A Battered/ Czas Zlamac Prawo/
Hells Heaven/ Humarrgance „4way“ polish Crust/Grind 6E
Digitaler Müll : Cd`s gegen
Spende, mind. 1 E!!!
- Amnecia S/T (Peru Punk)
- Armagedom S/T (HC/Punk,
- Ett Sista Andetag / Alone In The
Crowd Split (moderncrust Swe, Spain) 5E
- Delusion (CZ,HC)
- Desarme Es Tu Error (Peru
- Hachazo La Ley Del Oeste
(Spain, Punkrock)
- Hobophobic 'S/T' (it,HC) 6E....
- Distress / Surburban Showdown
Split (Metalcrust D_Beat, UK/ Russia)5e
- Mess Mess Mess /Publico Oltragio
Split (Italy 80er Punk)5e
- Don`t Give Up/ Another Side
Split (Cool HC/Punk, Russia)
- Taste The Floor S/T
(Fastcore, it)
- Projekt Hopeless S/T
(Anarchopunk, swe)
- Police Bastard Confined (New
album only CD) great stuff 7E
- Goddamnn S/T (Trashpunk,
- The Bollocks Revival
(Malaysia Punkrock)
- M.V.D. „Hate Record
Collectors“ (Disco CD von 89- 2001, 80 min geballer) 6E
- Sorta S/T (Russia HC/Punk)
- Die Wrecked „Mongrel Hordes“
(UK Punkrock) 6E
- Blinker Links „Wir sind doch
keine Reggaeband“ Punkrock 6E
- Luvdumo „Age OF Austerity“
(Skapunk, UK) 5E
- Wirrsal „Voll Auf Die Fresse“
(Rotziger D-Punk aus Hamburg) 6E
- Die Scheuerhaders „Zeug von
02 – 06“ (rotziger D-Punk aus Dresden) 3E plus EP für 5E !!!
- Nuclear Death Terror „S/T“
(Crust, DK) 6E
- Stagnation Is Death / I Know
Split ( Pol, HC/Crust, Beloruss, Anarchopunk)5e
- Slaktrenns „Stralande Tider“
(Fastcore, Swe) 5E
- Nikmat Olalim Battle Legacy
(Israel Anarchopunk)
- Trotzreaktion Frei von einer
Meinung (HC/Punk, dt Texte, Dresden)
- Tatort Toilet Heil Hightech
(Cooler Punkrock)
- Iskra Euro Tour Demo 2012
(Anarchoblackmetalpunks, Canada)
- Iskra Bureval
- Conflicto S/T (Peru-D-Beat(
- Pizza Killers (Fastcore, Russia)
- Drongos For Europe „Hotline To
Hades“ (Cooler DIY UK Punkrock seit 79) 6E
- The Symbioz / Birth Of
Ignorance Split (Cool fast HC/Punk, Ukraine) 7 E
- Soldateska S/T (Metal
HC/Punk, Dresden)
- Partiya S/T (great Crustcore
from Minsk) CD 6e
- Total Banxat Shadow of Death
On Dying Planet (Fucking D-Beat, Indonesien) 6E
- Unlearned Sold Out Soldier
D- Beat Grind
- Infame 2te ( zweite Lp der
BCN Punx) 6E
- Conflicto, Clase Obrera, Tötal
Distöpia 3way (D-Beat, Peru)
- Shock Troopers „Leschinari“
(Crust, Mazedonien) 5E
- Abnormal „S/T“ (D-Punk)
- V/A „ Tribute To Svart Parad“
(Los Rezios, Disclose, Tinner, Project Hopeless, 20 Bands..) 6E
- V/A „Freedom Of Mind, Freedom
Of Speech“ (Grind comp., Cancer Clan, Verge On Reason, SMG (Sing.),
Fallen World (Phill.), Gorgonoisid, Carcras Syndrom) 7E
- V/A „Distopias Demise,
Soundtrack for Animal Liberation“ (November 13th, Stopcox, Lies
Feed The Machine, Riot/Clone, SKR8, Inner Terestrials usw.) 7E
- Proud To Be Punk dickes
Politpunkzine aus Leipzig, immer aktuell 1,7E
- Romp (Schweizer Politpunkheft)
Geschichten aus der Schweiz, neues im Häuserkampf u. viel mehr Nr.
35 sommer 2013 , 2,5E
- Los Rezios Tourshirt 6E plus CD
10 E !
- Paranoyafest shirt 6E
- Los
Rezios Tour 2013 Rückenaufnäher 3E
- Los
Rezios Aufnäher 5 Motive je 80 Cent
Atropia 1E
Consume 1E
- No
Government Can Give You Freedom 1E
Anarchieblume 50Cent
Sabotage 1E
Komando Kronstadt 1E
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