Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014
Neues von Wahnfried Records
Wahnfried Records:
- Parole Spasz „Rekapitulation
1954-2001“ (supercooler D-Punk aus Berlin, der an die 80er Bands
erinnert. Schicke Aufmachung mit Texten und Bilder. Die Songs wurden
2013 neu eingespielt, die LP gibt’s für Direktkäufer für 10E
inkl. Humunkulus EP von 2000)
- Pavilionul 32 / Awwo „Split“
EP (Anarchopunk-Fastcore and atmospheric HC/Punk from Timisoara,
Romania, totally D.I.Y. output
- Brächraits Demo 90/92
(great raw HC/Punk from Eisenhüttenstadt, 88- 93) LP 8E
- Los Rezios Clarification
old Crustveterans since 1991 from
Lima, Peru with full 46 min album in tradition of Doom, Disfear ...
Punk aus Lima (Peru) !!! Das
2.Album von LOS Rezios enthält 12 eigene Songs + ein AMEBIX Cover.
Power-Thrash, crushing Crust-Punk, heavy Riffs und intelligente Texte
machen "Clarificacion" zu einem der besten Punk-Platten aus
dem südamerikanischen Underground. Für Freunde von DISCHARGE,
- Brink Of Despair S/T
tapeversion of new album,
intensive oldschoolcrust with members of SOL, Agnes Kraus, Real
Chaos, Fazed, ACZ, Confessed Crime, prof. MC
fast short grinding/Crustcore from
Minsk,Belarus, LP
- Profit And Murder S/T
LP repress ! 200% HC/Punk , Bremen
best powerfull HC/Punk with two guitars and singer from Wolrd Chaos
LP (Bei der Band gibt’s noch ein paar,
vielleicht bekomme ich noch ein paar)
- Placebotox S/T
80ties oldschoolpunkrock with
members of Strohsäcke/Trash Torten Combo from Holland `7inch
- Ebola Discography, 95 99
great 90ties crustcore from Berlin
proficopy Tape
- M.V.D. War Species
great brutal and fast oldschool
Crust with two singer from Berlin, since 86 !!! LP
- Rohlink 'Revolution'
great mix of german punk and HC
with members of Idiot Savant german language
- Racak Disco
Berlin Crustcore with members of
M.V.D., SM-70 and Pink Flamingos prof .Cdr with Sticker & MC
- Todschicker, S/T LP
genialer HC/Punk/Crust/D-Punk von
2003 aus Dresden im farbigen Klappcover
In the future :
- Dead Kaspar Hausers new LP
(unreleased Sonx, D-Beat Crustcore, Berlin)
- M.V.D./ Avverkad Split 7inch
(best brutal oldschoolcrust and D-beat from Berlin)
- EBOLA LP (unreleased stuff from
last years, greatest brutal Crustcore with female vocal and members
of M.V.D & Autoritär)
- Dezinfekce 2nd LP (CZ,
- Parole Spasz S/T LP (old
Berlin rawpunk with new recordings and unreleased songs)
- Not LP (CZ heavy fastcore,
- Zahnfee Of Death S/T MC
first Demo, old Black Sabbath style with Heavy Hardrock mix
- Joey Clash S/T (Heavy
Punkrock from Leipzig) LP
- Bagna S/T new 7inch (Crust
HC/Punk with a mix of ANarchopunk from GRodno, Belarus)
- Überdosis Schwein "S/T"
MC (Punkrock with Keyboard, Dresden)
- Die Satansengel Von Nevada "S/T"
MC (Doom/Stoner/Sludge/CRustpunk, Dresden)
I m looking for other labels in
Write for the complete list !
D.I.Y. Punk/HC Label,Distribution
and D.I.Y. shows:,
Listen some bands :
- Rohlink :
- Profit And Murder :
- Los Rezios : Doomcrust,
Lima/ Peru (
- Dead Kaspar
- Partiya:
- Placebotox:
- Pavilionul 32 :,
Distribution of Trümmer Pogo,
Angry Voice, Rawmantic Disasters
+Wahnfried Rec.Liste
- Blood Patrol Demo (HC/Punk,
ger.) 2E
- Downfall Of Gaia / Kazan „Split“
( melCrust/ atmospheric HC ) 3E
- EBOLA Disco great 90ties
crustcore from Berlin 2,5E
- Eyeless „Gloomy Day“
(HC/Punk / Crust) 3E
- Brink Of Despair S/T
tapeversion of new album,
intensive oldschoolcrust with members of SOL, Agnes Kraus, Real
Chaos, Fazed, ACZ, Confessed Crime, prof. MC 3E
- Ira Et Becessus „Old Day
Nostalgia“ (Grind Basque) 3E
- RACAK Compl. Noise Berlin
Crustcore with members of M.V.D., SM-70 and Pink Flamingos 2,5E
- Murder/Syntax Split (Noise,
HCPunk, Russia) 3E
- Los Rezios Clarificationold
Crustveterans since 1991 from Lima, Peru with full 46 min album in
tradition of Doom, Disfear ... , 2,5E
- La Fraction „Aussi Long Sera
Le Chemin“ 3E
- M.V.D. „Live 88 – 91“
coole Krachqualität und viele Unveröffentlichte Songs“3E
- Moribund Scum „Redneck
Execution“ (stench Crust, Braunschweig) 3E
- Murder / Syntax „Split“
(Noisepunk, Russland) 3E
- Slow Erase „S/T“ (Grind)
- Urinprobe „S/T“ (D-Punk
rotz) 3E
- Unquiet „S/T“ 3E (mel.
Crust,Ger.) 3E
- Wojtila „Discography
2009-2010“ (Polish Grindcore) 3E
- Anti Social Rejects / Jenkem
Warrios „Split“ (Norwegen Anarchopunk)3E
- AXT / Bluthuf split
(Crustcore Berlin, NB ) 3E
- Blinded S/T (D_Beat from
PRaha) 4E
- Boxed In S/T (Noew. HC) 3E
- Black Star Dub Collective S/T
(Anarcho DUB/Reagee from UK) 3,5
- Bluthuf/Axt Split (great
fast crustcore and intensive HC/Crust from Berlin with memebers of
Autoritär and Ebola) 3E
- Breakout „Never Give Up“
(80ties HC/Punk) 3,5E
- BunkaangstS/T (D-Punk, ganz
dufte) 3E
- Burt S/T Do inch (Crust mit
Leuten von Cwill, Schweiz) 7E
- Chevin/ Huffin Paint Split
(Fastcore, D.) 3E
- Conquesto/ Wounded Knee Split
(CZ, Fastcore, Crust) 3,5E
- Godorrhoea Zeitgeist (raw
Anarchopunk, Uk from 90ties) 3E
- Human Compost /Monsanto Killers
Split (Metalcrust, FRance) 3,5E
- Indoctrinate "And All Hail
To Progress and Efficiency" (powerfull CRustcore) 3,5
- Karmakopter S/T ( cooler
D-Punk) 3E
- Khatarina „Little Girls Never
Say Me“ (female HC/Punk, Swe) 3E
- Kick IT S/T"(cooler Fast
Punkrock aus Limburg) 3E
- Narsaak Prasina (fast HC
ger.) 3E
- Niggers Born In a Barn (cool
Punkrock with engl lyris, Russia) 3E
- Motras „S/T“ (Rock?n roll
Punk) 2E
- Overkill For Profit / Edem
„Split“ (Punkrock aus Aserbaidshan) 3E
- Partiya /Trotzreaktion Split
(HC/Punk Dresden- Minsk) 3E
- Parole Spasz Homunkulus
(Rotzpunk, Berlin)
- Primates Control Salvaje
(Anarchop. Fem., Spain) 3E
- Pray For Death S/T (CZ,
Crust) 3e
- Progromo „S/T“
(Anarchogeballer Kolumbien) 4E
- Raging Fugitives S/T (Norw.
HC) 2E
- Social Chaos /Attitude Zero
Split (Crust noth Germany, fast Crustcore, Brasil) 3E
- Sarcasmo / Evolucion Perdida
Split (Anarchocrust, Mexico) 3,5E
- Scheuerhaders 6 mal
Punkgelumpe (raw cool D-Punk, Dresden) 2,5 E
- Sin Logica Riff in Peace
(Anarchomotörheadpunk, Switzerl.) 3E
- Sperrzone „S/T“ (Fast Crust,
HH) instinct of survival members 3E
- The Renegades Of Punk S/T
(Trashpunk, Brazil) 3E
- The Uncurbed / My Cold Embrace
Split (Swe Crust, Metal, D.) 3E
- Violent Response S/T 4E
- V/ANorthcore kicks ass!
(HC/Punk north Czech,Kobra11/action/x-wing/behind the lines/Not) 2E
Große Platten:
- 1000 Tonnen Kruppstahl „S/T“
(2 Mann Lärm, cool, ger) 9E
- Acrostix „A Chain Of Hatred“
(Jap. HC/Punk) 9E
- Ahna/ Gelascean „Split“
(US- Darkcrust) 9E
- Agnosy „Traits Of The Past“
(UK, Crust) 9E
Ass To Mouth „Degenerate „S/T“
(Grind, France) 9E
- Autonomia Necrologia 2002
2006 (great Anarchopunk, Lima, Peru) 9E
- Active Minds It`s Perfectly
Obvious That This System Doesn`t work 8E
- Anger Burning/ Eath Crust
Displacement "SPLIT" (HC/PunkD-Beat Swe, D-Beat Noise
Berlin) 9E
- Angry Mob S/T ( total
angepisster D_beat, swe) 9E
- Adacta / Jonestown ḋ
Split Ṡ Lp (great Crustpunk, Prag/Bratislava) 8E
- Anger Burning When(D- Beat
swe) 9E
- Bastinados / Bosonogo
Djetinjtsvo „Split“ (Anrchopunk), Croatia) 8E
- Black Code“Hanged, Drawn and
Quartered“ (Metalcrust, France) 8E
- Blood Patrol „S/T“ (raw
HC/Punk, Ger.) 9E
- Blood In Our Wells "echoes
of desolation" (CZ darkcrust with Stoner Elements) 8E
- Blutiger Osten „Hinterland“
(D-Punk) 9E
- Bolesno Grinje „Chronicles
From The Tomb“ (Grindcore) 8E
- Bolesno Grinje „S/T“
- Born For Slaughter/ Silence
Means Death Split (dark CRust, Slov., Belg.) 8E
- Bangsat / C.O.D. Split 8E
- Brivido /Public Disgrace „Split“
(Raw HC/Punk) 8E
- CAD Tazky Kov (Grind, Slow.)
- Carburetor Dung S/T (
intensive HC/Punk, Malayisia) 7 E
- Catheter / FUBAR „Split“
(Grindcore Can./ Holland) 7E
- Cerebral Turbulence
Impenetrable (CZ, Grind) 6E
- Chickens Call S/T (French
great Punkrock) 8E
- Civil Victim S/T (Crusty
HC/Punk, Ger.) 8E
- Chickens Call S/T (new Lp,
great France, Punkrock) 9E
- Crippled Fox „More Fun!! More
Trash!!! (Fastcore, Slov.) 9E
- Cross Sitches Eyes
„Decomposition“ (Crass Anarchopunk, UK, Great) 10E
- Dark Hanson "Schlüssel"
(german lyrics slow HC) 8E
- DAZD S/T LP (HEavy rock Punk
with Crust elements and dark fem voc, Macedonia) 9E
- Demokrathia / Mondo Gecko (fast
HC/Punk, Algerien, Israel) 9E
- Disgusting Lies / Campus
Stermini „spliT“ (Crust pol./italy) 7E
- Diskoiraa „S/T“ (Spain
D_Beat) 9E
- Diskonto „S/T“ (Swe D-Beat)
- Disney /Sheeva Yoga Split
(CZ, Crustcore) great artwork 9E
- Dispose /Infekzoa Split (raw
and Brutal D_Beat) 10E
- Dispose/ Kranium „Split“
(Swe d-beat) 10E
- Distinct Cult S/T"
(Trash, Deatmetal Leipzig) 10E
- Dornata single fats and good +
so waht (heavy CRustpunk, slovenien) 10E
- C.O.D. / Intestinal Disease
Split (Grind Aachen, Belgien) 8E
- Crowskin/Black Freighter „S/T“
(Slow Darkcrust Ger.) 9E
- Destierro Örlog (Basken
Grind/Crust) 9E
- Distress Life, Death, Rebirth
(raw metallic Crust, St. Petersburg, Russia) Klappcover 10E
- Down On Kness I`m week S/T
(Stoner Crust,Chemnitz) 9E
- Disantrope Hinter feindlichen
Linien (darkpunk D.) 8E
- Dogsholylife S/T (Crustpunk
from Los Angeles) 8E
- Dört Birds S/T (Berlin
rockin Crust) 300 copies limt. Self released, 10E
- Elenor Lance S/T (Great
Punkrock Wipers style,Dresden) 9E
- End Of Ernie „The End Is Near“
(Belg. Fast Punkrock) 9E
- Euthanasie Prison Pain, Demo &
Live 88/89 (Freiburger mel. Anarchopunk mit Frauengesang) 9E
- Earth Crust DIsplacement/Gau "
Split" (Berlint raw D_beat Noise) 10E
- Exmisija arche (Pol dark HC)
- Eye For An Eys new (Pol
oldschool HC/Punk) 8E
- Guts And Guns „The Pig Rug
Collection“ (Dark/ Stonercrust, Ger) 8E
- Fäulnis „Gehirn zwischen Wahn
und Sinn“ (Black Metal Punk, Ger) Do Lp 16E
- Frihet / Honor SS "Split"
(D-Beat, Swe) 9E
- FUBAR "Justification Of
Criminal Behaviour" (Fastcore, Grind, Holland) 8E
- Gelo/ Baka Yaro Split
LP(Italy Crust/HC) 8E
- Geraniüm „S/T“ (mel Crust,
France) 9E
- Gasgoigne 'S/T' (Cool Rockin HC
from Zwolle,Holland) 5E
- Gelo / Homo Homini Lupus „Split“
(Ityl Crust / Grind) 9E
- Gloomster S/T (Polit HC/Punk
dt Texte Eisenach) 9E
- Gloomster Dreck unter den
Nägeln 9E
- Gomora S/T (Crustbeat Prag)
- Gun Mob / Pyramido Split
(Fast dirty Crust Mannheim, dark Crust) 8E
- Hasta La Vista S/T (pol.
Anarchopunk, fem. Voc.) 9E
- Heavy Nukes „S/T“ (Swe
D-Beat Noise) 9E
- Hibakusha S/T 8fast
Crustcore, CZ) 8E
- Hellbound / Despite „Split“
(US, Crustpunk) 8E
- Hermanxs De Lamente Furiosa
S/T (Spian great Anarchopunk) 9E
- Hiroshima Nightmare/ Azid
Split (CZ Crustpunk, HC/Punk) 8E
- Huntswille Stairsweppers S/T
(local Dresden modern rockin HC/Crust) 10E
- Infame 1 (rotziger dreckiger
Punkrock aus BCN) 9E
- Infame 2 (zweite LP ) 9E
- Inner Conflict Klebstoff,
Schere und Papier (Köln Punkrock mit tiefgreifenden Texten) 10inch
- Instino S/T2 (Spain raw Punk)
- Innome Christi Quo Vadis
(Anarcho HC experimentell, ex Dekadent) 9E
- INU Hacia El Abismo 8E
- Irritation Nattsvart Framtid
(Swe D-Beat) 10E
- ISKRA „Bureval Demo 2009“
(Crustmetal Canada) 9E
- Kairo S/T (exp. Wavepunk,
Dresden) 10E
- Killbite Brilliant Hell
(Crustpunk, Bremen) 10inch 8E
- Kurwa Aparata Armed Chemicals
of Untame Thoughts (Wien Crust) 8E
- Kuwanlelenta /Frevel Geschwafel
"Split" (Crust Bayern 90er 10inch 3E
- La Miseria De Tu Rostu Jauria
(Crust, Chile) 9E
- Lado Rising „Fiame In Piena“
(Fast HC italy) 8E
- Leecjfeast „S/T“ (Sloe
darkcrust, slov) 8E
- Livet Some Insats „S/T“
Grind, Framnce) 9E
- Lust For Death „Dust“
(French Crust) 9E
- Maniacs Dust Of A Decade
(great Discography, 80ies HC/Punk) Do LP 15 E
- Mesrine / Sposa In Altomare
Split (fastcore, Spain/It.) 10inch 8E
- Mess Mess Mess S/T (80er
Pogopunk, it.) 8E
- M:PATI "Misantropen"
(swe Crust) 10inch 4E
- Mururoa / Baixo Calao Split
(Grindcore CZ/Brazil) 8E
- Now White Rag Silence is
Voilence (fast punkrock Pogo Italia) 8E
- Now White Rag „Daghdehinter“
- Ole & The Orks "S/
(great HC/Punk/Metal from Dresden) 8E
- Paranoya Atmen (HC/Punk,
Ruhrpott) 8E
- Parole Spasz „Rekapitulation
1945-2001“ (great german HC/Punk, Berlin) 9E
- Partiya /Victims Of Classwar
Split (Crustcore aus Minsk, Metalcrust Leipzig) 9E
- Piekto Kobiet S/T2 (Pol/Crust)
- Post War Perdition S/T
(Crusty Death Metal, Berlin) 8E
- Plaine Crasse S/T (crazy
HC/Punk, France) 9E
- Pray For Death/ V Rukou Osudu
„Split“ (CZ/ darkcrust) 8E
- Produkt Uzalezniien (Pol,
Anarchopunk) 9E
- Raw Hate „Fuck Off And DIe!“
(Swe HC/Punk/ Crust) 9E
- Ravelin 7 „S/T2 (Slow HC, CZ)
- Reisegruppe Morgenthau „Second
LP“ 9E
- Ruin „Ghost Of The Past“
(UK, Crust) 9E
- Roxor / Risposta Split (CZ/
Slow. Crust) 8E
- Santa Banana „S/T“ (Italy
fast HC) 8E
- Semenzara Coraggio „S/T“
(Fast HC Italy) 8E
- Sheeva Yoga Svet ten cert vem
(Fastcore, CZ) 9E
- Simbiose Economical Terrorism
(portugal, Grind) 8E
- Solid DEcline / Ruidosa
Immundicia „S/T“ (Fastcore, Austria, Berlin) 9E
- Sokea Piste „Split“ (Crazy
raw Finnpunk) 8E
- Stregesti „S/T“ (pol.
Anarchopun with two vocals great) 8E
- Tästä Saat „death By Snoo
Snoo“ (Finnpunk) 9E
- Terrorgruppe „Dem Deutschen
Volke“ Singles von 93 – 93, 9E
- Trigger /Run Time Error Split
(Powerviolence,Fastcore Ger.) 8,5E
- The Breed zed (CZ, HC) 8E
- TODSCHICKER, 'S/T' ( eine der
besten dt. sprachigen Crustbands ) im Klappcover 8 E
- Token Tandrum "S/T"
(Swe Crust) 10inch 5E
- Toxic Hope God Kills Mind
(Italy Crust) 8E
- Tuna Duble Fae (great BRasil
ANarchopunk, ex Execradores) 9E
- Ulrikes Dream „van 9 tot 5“
(Belgium Crusty Anarchopunk with fem voc and some melodic parts,
great stuff) 9E
- Unbekannt Die Zukunft der
Erde (guter d-punk aus Görlitz) 8E
- Uppercrust „Virus“ (HC/Punk,
Anarchopunk, germ.) 9E
- Verge On Reason /Fallen World
Split (Grind Jena /Phillipinen) 8,5E
- Vicious Irene „Distortet State
Of Mind“ (Swe, fem. Anarchopunk) 9E
- Vladimir Harkonen Silence …
(HC/Punk, Flensburg, Ex- Bonehouse) 8E
- Vladimir Harkonnen Into
Dreadnought Fever (Metal HC/Punk, Flensburg) 9E
- ZERUM "S/T" (Darkslow
crust, Berlin) 9E
- Zuschanden /Los Dolares „Split“
(Crust Freiburg/ Venezuela) 8e
- Zeus! „Split“ (Mann Gitarre,
Schlagzeug Krach Italy) 8E
- V/APoslouchate Jizni Cechy 3
(Südböhmen comp. Geballer 11 Bands mit Hiroshima Nightmare, Stand
Up speak Up!, Unfarkt...) 8E
- V/APrague & Disorderly
(Angry Brigade, Scheiss Böhmen, Sanitär, Gomora) 8E
- V/A Battered/ Czas Zlamac Prawo/
Hells Heaven/ Humarrgance „4way“ polish Crust/Grind 6E
Digitaler Müll : Cd`s gegen
Spende, mind. 1 E!!!
- Amnecia S/T (Peru Punk)
- Armagedom S/T (HC/Punk,
- Ett Sista Andetag / Alone In The
Crowd Split (moderncrust Swe, Spain)
- Delusion (CZ,HC) 5E
- Desarme Es Tu Error (Peru
- Hachazo La Ley Del Oeste
(Spain, Punkrock)
- Hobophobic 'S/T' (it,HC) 6E....
- Distress / Surburban Showdown
Split (Metalcrust D_Beat, UK/ Russia)
- Mess Mess Mess /Publico Oltragio
Split (I
taly 80er Punk)
- Los Caidos S/T (Fastcore,
- Don`t Give Up/ Another Side
Split (Cool HC/Punk, Russia) 6E
- Taste The Floor S/T
(Fastcore, it)
- Projekt Hopeless S/T
(Anarchopunk, swe)
- Police Bastard Confined (New
album only CD) great stuff 7E
- Goddamnn S/T (Trashpunk,
- The Bollocks Revival
(Malaysia Punkrock)
- Komando Kronstadt Demo
- Sorta S/T (Russia HC/Punk)
- Sniffing Glue We Are… Fuck
You! (81 er Punkrock)
- Stagnation Is Death / I Know
Split ( Pol, HC/Crust, Beloruss, Anarchopunk)
- Nikmat Olalim Battle Legacy
(Israel Anarchopunk)
- Trotzreaktion Frei von einer
Meinung (HC/Punk, dt Texte, Dresden)
- Tatort Toilet Heil Hightech
(Cooler Punkrock)
- Iskra Euro Tour Demo 2012
(Anarchoblackmetalpunks, Canada)
- Iskra Bureval
- Conflicto S/T (Peru-D-Beat(
- Pizza Killers (Fastcore, Russia)
- The Symbioz / Birth Of
Ignorance Split (Cool fast HC/Punk, Ukraine) 7 E
- Soldateska S/T (Metal
HC/Punk, Dresden) 6E
- Partiya S/T (great Crustcore
from Minsk) CD 6e
- Total Banxat Shadow of Death
On Dying Planet (Fucking D-Beat, Indonesien) 6E
- Unlearned Sold Out Soldier
D- Beat Grind
- Infame 2te ( zweite Lp der
BCN Punx) 6E
- Conflicto, Clase Obrera, Tötal
Distöpia 3way (D-Beat, Peru)
- Proud To Be Punk dickes
Politpunkzine aus Leipzig, immer aktuell 1,7E
- Romp (Schweizer Politpunkheft)
Geschichten aus der Schweiz, neues im Häuserkampf u. viel mehr Nr.
35 sommer 2013 , 2,5E
Los REzios Tourshirt 6E plus CD 10
E !
Paranoyafest shirt 6E
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