Dienstag, 15. Januar 2019

Neue Streiks im Iran: Wie so oft, weil kein Lohn ausbezahlt wurde

Für die sofortige Freilassung von Esmail Bakhshi, Moslem Armand, Mohammad Khanifar and Seyyed Hassan Fazeli, den inhaftierten iranischen Zuckerarbeitern!Gleich vier neue Streiks wegen fehlender Lohnauszahlung meldet die WP Iran in einer neuen Rundmail zu Jahresbeginn: Erneut waren die kampferprobten Zuckerarbeiter von Haft Tappeh dabei – aber zunächst nur für einen Tag, dann bekamen sie die feste Zusage mit Auszahlungsdatum. Die in den Grünanlagen von Dezful arbeitenden Menschen bekamen ebenfalls monatelang keinen Lohn ausbezahlt – und hielten deswegen eine Streikversammlung auf einem zentralen Platz der Innenstadt ab. Am 8. Januar schließlich traten gleich drei Belegschaften – von PetroPay, Petro Makers und Rahgozaran Construction gemeinsam in den Streik und versammelten sich auch gemeinsam zum Protest gegen die Unternehmen auf der Insel in der Straße von Hormuz, wo sie arbeiten. Und schließlich streikten aus demselben Grund auch die Beschäftigten der Eisenbahn in Dorud, weil sie, wie viele andere an anderen Orten auch, ebenfalls keine Löhne erhalten hatten. Dies ist die kurze deutsche Übersetzung der englischen Rundmail der WP Iran vom 11. Januar 2019, die wir im Folgenden dokumentieren:

1. Workers of Haft Tapeh sugar cane factory in Iran strike over unpaid wages

On 8th January 2019, workers of Haft Tapeh sugar cane factory in Khuzestan, Iran, went on strike in objection to unpaid wages.
The workers who have not been paid for two months said that they would continue their strike if their wages are not paid in full by 12 January 2019. The management promised to pay the wages so the workers went back to work.
Tweet: #Workers of Haft Tapeh sugar cane #factory in #Iran #Khuzestan #strike over unpaid wages #WPIranNews #FightForLife #StrikingWorkersInIran #HaftTapehWorkers #NonPaymentOfWages #WPIranNews #FightForLife #StrikingWorkersInIran #HaftTapehWorkers #NonPaymentOfWages

2. Municipality workers in Dezful, Iran, hold assembly in the city to protest over unpaid wages

On 8th January 2019, municipality workers of Dezful in Khuzestan province, Iran, held an assembly in the city to protest over unpaid wages. The workers who work in “green spaces” gathered in Rudband Sq in the city of Dezful to protest over several months of unpaid wages and being pushed into poverty as a result. The workers and their families struggle to make ends meet.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #MunicipalityWorkers #NonPaymentOfWages
Tweet: #Municipality #workers in #Dezful #Khuzestan #Iran, hold #assembly in the city to #protest unpaid #wages #WPIranNews #FightForLife #MunicipalityWorkers #NonPaymentOfWages

3. Workers of three companies in Qeshm, Iran, hold joined assembly to protest over unpaid wages

On 8th January 2019, workers of PetroPay, Petro Makers (PetroSazan) and Rahgozaran Construction held a joined assembly in Qeshm, an island in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf to protest against non-payment of their wages. The workers gathered in front of the factory and chanted slogans against the company and the politicians who support them.
Tweet: #Workers of three companies in #Qeshm, #Iran, hold joined #assembly to #protest unpaid wages #WPIranNews #FightForLife #WorkersAssembly #NonPaymentOfWages #WPIranNews #FightForLife #WorkersAssembly #NonPaymentOfWages

4. Railway engineering workers in Lorestan province, Iran, go on strike over unpaid wages

On 7th January 2019, Railway engineering workers of Dorud city in Lorestan province, Iran, went on strike and held an assembly to protest against non-payment of their wages. The workers gathered in front of the provincial governor’s office in Lorestan and said that not being paid their wages has pushed them and their families into poverty. The contracting company that employs 1000s of workers in the railways industry has delayed the payment of wages of many workers in different parts of Iran. The workers say that not paying the wages is “blatant embezzlement” by the company.

5. 280,000 workers have lost their job in the manufacturing industry in Iran over the last year

Mr Arash Mohebi, an official representative of the manufacturing industry in Iran, said that this year alone over 280,000 workers in this industry have lost their job. It has also recently been reported that between 3000 and 4000 workers in different scrap yards are
going to lose their job which will result in the loss of livelihood of 15000 people who depend on the workers. The dimensions of the job losses in the manufacturing and car industry in Iran is tragic and more families are being pushed into poverty very rapidly. More protests against poverty, for jobs or unemployment benefits are also are being discussed amongst the unemployed workers and members of the public.

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