Montag, 21. Oktober 2024

The firm decision of the masses to persist in the resistance for the liberation of Palestine and that the place of the fallen leaders is taken by their successors, heroic fighters of the cause of the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist national resistance, fills us with revolutionary optimism and elevates our joy and determination to fight for a world without imperialism, reaction and without opportunists and revisionists. Biden and Scholz celebrate the death of Hamas leader Sinwar at their joint press conference in Berlin Olaf Scholz said that the death of Hamas leader Sinwar now opens a corridor for a ceasefire in Gaza. President Biden announced that a ceasefire could now be possible without involving Hamas. But, ZDF journalist Alexander Poel in Tel Aviv commented: “Yes, the Benjamin Neltayhu's government has celebrated the death of the Hamas leader as the beginning of the end of Hamas, but that sounds a bit exotic added, that he is not the first leader of that rank to be killed and the fight has always continued, because you cannot kill an ideology.” Here are the press releases from ZDF TV, which we have summarized: “War in the Middle East Death of Hamas chief Sinwar: What will happen next? October 18, 2024 | 09:31 |He was considered the mastermind of Hamas's attack on Israel in October 2023, now Jihia al-Sinwar is dead. "This is a turning point for Hamas," says Middle East expert Steinberg. The Israeli army has killed the leader of the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas, Jihia al-Sinwar. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Sinwar's death as the "beginning of the end" of the war in the Gaza Strip. But another commentator, countering the former's view, hits the nail on the head when he says: "Benjamin Netanyahu presented Sinwar's death as a milestone," said ZDF journalist Alexander Poel in Tel Aviv. The fate of the hostages is now "more uncertain than ever." "If Benjamin Netanyahu's government has celebrated the death of the Hamas leader as the beginning of the end of Hamas, that sounds a bit exotic," said the commentator, adding that he is not the first leader of that rank to be killed and the fight has always continued, because you cannot kill an ideology." October 18, 2024, 12:56 p.m. Biden and Scholz react to the death of Hamas leader Sinwar Scholz and Biden also commented on the latest developments in the Middle East at their joint press conference. Olaf Scholz said that the death of Hamas leader Sinwar now opens a corridor for a ceasefire in Gaza. President Biden announced that a ceasefire could now be possible without involving Hamas.” WE COMMENT: Yes, one of the leaders of the armed resistance for the national liberation of the Palestinian people has died in combat, he is part of the barbaric genocide of Yankee imperialism and Zionism against the peoples of the nations of the Greater Middle East. Yankee imperialism and the Zionist State of Israel, in their war of aggression against the oppressed nations of the Greater Middle East (MOA), have unleashed a more horrendous genocide than usual against the masses, mainly in Palestine, from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank and Lebanon. They have extended their crimes and military attacks against Syria, Yemen, Iraq and other countries of the MOA, targeting Iran to establish “a new order in the Middle East” according to the Zionist boss, Benjamin Netanyahu, that is, to impose the “pax americana” of the sole hegemonic power, Yankee imperialism, which in the light of history and reality in that region is impossible because the oppressed nations are up in a powerful and invincible war of national resistance against imperialism and Zionism. There are thousands of dead and wounded, millions of displaced people going from one place to another in search of refuge from the air attacks of imperialists and Zionists, destroyed cities or entire neighborhoods in rubble, hospitals, schools, international aid and relief institutions, the UN blue helmets themselves. Violating the national sovereignty of all these countries. Thus, as part of all this genocide and destruction, the imperialists and Zionists have ended up destroying their own international law, their right to war and their much-vaunted “Human Rights”, these have been torn to shreds and their rubble has been left to one side to be rescued when they are needed again. The German chancellor Olaf Scholz has been in charge of writing the epitaph on these rubble: “Israel’s right to defend itself is a `reason of state’”, he said in the first days of the genocide. With which imperialism shamelessly shows its advanced state of decomposition in all orders. We ask: Where is their much-vaunted “moral superiority of democracy based on respect for human rights over all other considerations”? Their so-called “reason of state” is there for all to see, it can be seen in the dismembered and half-burned bodies of thousands of children, men and women non-combatants of all ages that the media shows at all hours of all these days, it can be seen and heard in the cynical and celebratory statements of their crimes not only by the Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but by the greatest genocidal among them Biden and many other Western leaders and politicians. Ah! But whoever protests against them, against this major genocide, is immediately accused of being “anti-Semitic”. But in the face of the war of aggression and extermination of imperialism and Zionism facing the greatest genocide, there are the masses of those nations that have been subdued by centuries of exploitation and relentless oppression. Many of their most beloved children and their most respected and heroic leaders have been killed, but just as they have done throughout the ages, these exploited masses continue to fight, because they have no other purpose than class struggle. As the media commentators themselves who reported from Tel Aviv on the death in combat of “If the government of Benjamin Neltanyahu has celebrated the death of the Hamas leader as the beginning of the end of Hamas, but that sounds somewhat exotic, said the commentator and addendum, who is not the first leader of that rank to be killed and the fight has always continued, because you cannot kill an ideology.” With the above, the commentator refers to the firm decision of the masses to persist in the resistance for the liberation of Palestine and that the place of the fallen leaders is taken by their successors, heroic fighters of the cause of the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist national resistance. In Palestine and Lebanon, the Israeli Armed Forces as troops on the ground of the imperialists and the Zionists themselves have had to enter to carry out some ground operations but have encountered the fierce resistance of the fighters of the national resistance that causes them innumerable casualties and forces them to immediately retreat to their hideouts, because what Chairman Gonzalo said is fulfilled: “The imperialist superpowers, the USA, the USSR, and other powers, invade, penetrate, undermine, destroy, seek to sink everything in terror. But, as Chairman Mao says, by attacking, by assaulting, by launching offensives, they spread out and enter the powerful entrails of the people; And the people rear up, arm themselves, and rising in rebellion put nooses around the necks of imperialism and the reactionaries, grab them by the throat, seize them; and, necessarily, necessarily, they will strangle them. They will tear the reactionary flesh apart, turn it into rags and sink those black rags into the mud, what remains will be set on fire and its ashes will be scattered to the winds of the earth so that nothing remains but the sinister memory of what will never return because it cannot and should not return. Comrades, this is the world today. We have been given the task of living in an extraordinary time. Never before have men had such a heroic destiny, so it is written. The task of today's men, these men who breathe, who struggle, who fight, has been assigned to sweep reaction from the face of the Earth, the most luminous and grandiose mission ever given to any generation. That is where we are. The world revolution is entering into a strategic offensive, nothing can prevail against it; innumerable iron legions are rising and will rise more and more, and multiplying inexhaustibly they will surround and annihilate reaction. The reaction, by tearing the flesh of the people, by unleashing its bleeding claws, is simply becoming entangled, entangled; The reactionary party seeks to sate itself in the blood of the people, but that blood rises like furious wings and those beaten flesh become powerful avenging whips and its muscles and its action become steel battering rams to destroy the oppressors whom it will crush irremediably. The reaction, comrades, will not prevail in any way. The revolution will triumph; the hour has struck. The struggle will be hard, arduous, bloody; long, difficult. The triumph is ours, the masses will prevail, the peasantry will rise, the class will lead it; the Communist Parties will command and red flags will be raised forever. The reaction has entered its final chapter; in that world we develop.” (PCP, WE ARE THE INITIATORS, From the I MILITARY SCHOOL; April 19, 1980)

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